Thursday, 12 November 2009

Project: Music Inspired Imagery - Illustrators (3)

Mark Fredrickson

Everything about Mark Fredrickson screams comedy, oozes humour, leaks laughter, giggles, smirks and smiles. With his very distinctive style you can spot his work a mile off without having to realise who made it first which is quite a useful attribute to have in anyone's work. The above image is a perfect example since due to Mark's comedic style, a professional comedian only seems fitting as a display of his work.

So far the meanings of my selected examples of work have been somewhat vague, but this time the meanings seem rather specific which comes in the form of an exaggerated showcase of the personalities of celebrities. So with Chris Rock you'll most likely think of how loud and big-mouthed he is, hence the literally big mouth you see here. The fact he is aggressively burning a MAD magazine is also quite comical too, but I think the exaggerated physical appearances are what catch my eye and keep them there the most for me.

Just like Arno, he simply paints them in Photoshop using a graphics tablet, possibly with a few image adjustments.


Vassils Gogtzilas

The content of Vassilis's mostly consist of portraits, but the style is something spectacularly different. These illustrations can be recognised instantly without question, much like Mark Fredrickson. I think this is mostly due to the same colour schemes used throughout, but the rough look of his work is so interesting to inspect, it's like following a path that goes in all sorts of directions which just so happens to look like a person.

I think that once again there isn't so much meaning but rather an expression of emotion in his paintings. Vassilis is mainly a comic book artist too so I don't think all of his work means much of anything besides what's going on during the story of the comic.

The tools used to create these paintings include pens, pencils, inks, brushes, gouache (for the highlighting), watercolour, and paper along with the usual Photoshop for what I believe is used to enhance the finished products. There's a bit of a mixed gathering of media being used here which seems to be key in order to create these really stylised imagery.


Jasper Goodall

Similar to Arno, I'm not much of a fan of Jasper Goodall's work, but this series entitled "Nebulae" really caught my eye as I was flipping through the pages. The message instantly gets at you here considering this image is an album cover. The bodies are made up of all these swirly lines and particles which is probably conveying a literal translation of filling our bodies with music because it sounds that good.

All of his work seems to be digital too as it states the tools he uses is photography, Photoshop, and Illustrator. So the way he made that album cover would most likely be he took a photo of these two arms, then recreated them with digital pixels/vectors.

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